Clerk, Tiffini Sharp (315) 776-8844
Water Committee:
Tom Fitzsimmons, Chair
Town Water Emergency Numbers: If you have a water emergency, please call the following:
- Water Operator: Stan Longyear — 315-406-6572 (cell); 315-776-4656 (home); if not available, please use one of the emergency numbers listed below.
- Highway Superintendent: Ken Cook — 315-776-4315 (Highway Garage) 315-224-7759 (Cell)
- Councilman Thomas Fitzsimmons — 315-776-5222
Water Bill Payments:
AUGUST 22, 2024
The current water rate is $12.15 per thousand gallons with a minimum charge of !0,000 gallons, plus a maintenance fee of $2.00 per thousand gallons used.
Commercial Users also are assessed a rate of 60,000 gallons per edu. The current fee is $135 per edu to be adjusted after the first year.
All water bill payments are to be made in full. Short payments and overpayments will no longer be accepted. Under extenuating circumstances, prior approval to make payments can be obtained by the town board.
- Payments are due 30 days from the billing date with a 10% penalty added after 30 days. Water bills not paid after 60 days will be shut off.
In the event that your water service is shut off, reinstatement will happen when the past due amount is paid in full to the Water Billing Clerk. There is an additional $25/fee each for non-payment shut-off and turn-on. Turn on will be done within 24-hours from the time the bill is paid to the Water Clerk.
- Payments:
- Make checks or a money order payable to Montezuma Water District #1 –
- There are limited hours to pay in person at the Town Hall currently. For the safety of our customers please place it in a sealed envelope (check/mo only) in the drop box at the town hall
- Mail to: Town of Montezuma Water Department, PO Box 357, Montezuma, NY 13117.
- Do you need help with paying overdue water bills? You may be eligible to apply for the Low- income Household Water Assistance Program. For more information click here
- Meter Readings: read quarterly: March, June, September, and December
Application: Every person desiring a water supply through the principal water main must submit an application. Applications are available at the Town Hall or may be downloaded here.
Turn On/Off Requests: A Request Form to turn the water off may be obtained at the Town Hall or downloaded here. Please note: It is required that there be someone on-site when water is turned on or off.
Water Ordinance: Rules and regulations regarding the usage of public water may be downloaded here.k
Montezuma Town Emergency Plan: download here
Download the latest Montezuma Water Quality Report here
Drip, Drip, Drip
Leaks from pipes, plumbing fixtures, and fittings are a significant source of water waste for many households. The 2016 Residential End Uses of Water Study found that the average household loses about 17 gallons of water per day to indoor leaks. Some leaks are obvious, such as dripping faucets and leaking water heaters. Unfortunately, many leaks go undetected for years because the source of the leak is not visible. Follow guidelines here to avoid costly water bills at Home Water Works
Cayuga County Health Department Information: Blue-green algae blooms have been common in recent years during the latter half of the summer on lakes within Cayuga County. The Town of Montezuma works closely with the Cayuga County Health Department to keep informed of conditions in the water supply. The County’s website has additional information and updates for public water users at: http://www.cayugacounty.us/Community/Health/Environmental-Health/Blue-Green-Algae
Public Water Emergency Alerts:
- Public water users may register their cell phones to receive reverse 911 messages for incidents of unsafe water conditions. The Citizen, television, and radio stations will also alert users of emergency conditions. Register your cell phone by sending a text: “Cayuga Alerts” to (828) 201-3877 or use the link HERE to register today!
- Emergency Supply: Make sure you have one gallon of clean water per person per day for 3 days. Allow more water for those who are disabled, pregnant or if you have pets. For more information on Emergency Preparedness, please visit: www.cayugacounty.us/health