Tax Collection

Tax Collector:

  • Donna Burleton

Office Address:

  • Town Hall, 8102 Dock Street, Montezuma, NY 13117


  • Direct Office Phone Line: 315-776-4774; Extension:  4774
  • Home: 315-776-8583



2025 Tax Collection Schedule

NOTICE is hereby given to the taxable inhabitants of the Town of Montezuma that I, the undersigned, Collector of Taxes in and for

said town, have received the warrant for the collection of taxes

for the present year (2025) and that I will attend from

January 1st through March 31st, 2025 

Monday thru Friday, 11:00am until 2:00pm –

(except Wednesday March 12th)

Taxpayers are encouraged to pay by check, money order, or official check made payable to

Montezuma Tax Collector

and mail payments to: P.O. Box 357, Montezuma NY  13117

When paying in person with cash please bring the exact amount if possible.  If you are unable to make your payment during the scheduled tax collection office hours please call 315-776-8844, ext. 4774, during office hours, or 315-776-8583 to schedule an appointment.  Payments made by Bill Payment Checks from a processing center must be physically received on or before the due date shown on the tax bill for full payment, first installment, full payment with 1% penalty or full payment with 2% penalty based on the postmark rule application.  Tax payments sent via privately metered mail are NOT postmarks and are considered paid upon receipt.  Payments not physically received by the due date will be returned.

For thirty days from the date hereof, for the purpose of receiving payment of taxes at the following places in said town, viz: Montezuma Town Hall by mail:, 8102 Dock Street PO Box 357, Montezuma, NY  13117 

Dated   December 30, 2024

              To report change address use the downloadable Cayuga County Real Property Services form:


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