In The Park Volunteer Opportunities

Friends of the Montezuma Heritage Park are volunteers helping the Town of Montezuma maintain the Park. With 165 acres and 11 trails, there is a lot to take care of. The Town would not be able to maintain the Park without volunteers who offer their services.

We meet monthly during the warmer seasons. Join us on a scheduled Saturday meet up at 9:00 a.m. for ParkWORK at the High Street Kiosk next to the firehouse.  Volunteers help out in the Butterfly Garden, planting and weeding;  weed-eating on the trails; clearing trails of branches, garbage;  trimming head rows, staining park benches.  Each month, we will tackle a different trail in need of tender loving maintenance, and have some fun together while doing so!  Call Cheryl Longyear at 315-776-8844 to schedule a work day with us! 

Adopt A Trail 

Are you part of a group that would like to adopt a trail such as a birding group, geocaching, hiking, biking, scouting environmental youth groups, or even an individual interested in adopting a trail to care for three or four times a year. If so, contact us for more information at,

Lend Your Talents

Maybe a work party isn’t for you at this time, but you’d still like to volunteer in other ways.  Do you have a special skill or talent?  We can find a home for you, taking your own personal talents and merging them with our mission to bring the nature and history to this area. Please contact if you’d like to share your gift with us!

Join our Team

We’re always looking for new and interested members to join our Park Planning Committee.  Please contact if this sounds like something you might be interested in.